Click on the State name to view in Details
Andaman and nicobar pincode list Comprises of 3 Districts , 102 post offices , 22 distinct postal code , 11 talukas of Andaman and nicobar state , 1 Divisions , 2 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Andaman and nicobar | अंडमान और निकोबार |
Capital City | Port Blair | पोर्ट ब्लेयर |
Language | English |
Population | 380,581 (approx) |
Area | 8,249 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 74 |
Total Post Office | 102 |
Total District | 3 |
Total Taluk | 11 |
Total Unique PIN | 22 |
Total Division | 1 |
Total Head Office | 2 |
Total Region | 1 |
Andhra pradesh pincode list Comprises of 13 Districts , 10335 post offices , 1203 distinct postal code , 934 talukas of Andhra pradesh state , 29 Divisions , 61 Head Offices and 3 Region. | 2024
State | Andhra pradesh | आंध्र प्रदेश |
Capital City | Amaravati | अमरावती |
Language | Telugu |
Population | 49,577,103 (approx) |
Area | 162,968 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 51 |
Total Post Office | 10335 |
Total District | 13 |
Total Taluk | 934 |
Total Unique PIN | 1203 |
Total Division | 29 |
Total Head Office | 61 |
Total Region | 3 |
Arunachal pradesh pincode list Comprises of 15 Districts , 295 post offices , 48 distinct postal code , 125 talukas of Arunachal pradesh state , 1 Divisions , 2 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Arunachal pradesh | अरुणाचल प्रदेश |
Capital City | Itanagar | ईटानगर |
Language | English |
Population | 1,383,727 (approx) |
Area | 83,743 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 79 |
Total Post Office | 295 |
Total District | 15 |
Total Taluk | 125 |
Total Unique PIN | 48 |
Total Division | 1 |
Total Head Office | 2 |
Total Region | 1 |
Assam pincode list Comprises of 23 Districts , 4016 post offices , 571 distinct postal code , 429 talukas of Assam state , 10 Divisions , 20 Head Offices and 3 Region. | 2024
State | Assam | असम |
Capital City | Guwahati | गुवाहाटी |
Language | Assamese |
Population | 35,607,034 (approx) |
Area | 78,438 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 78 |
Total Post Office | 4016 |
Total District | 23 |
Total Taluk | 429 |
Total Unique PIN | 571 |
Total Division | 10 |
Total Head Office | 20 |
Total Region | 3 |
Bihar pincode list Comprises of 38 Districts , 9063 post offices , 858 distinct postal code , 608 talukas of Bihar state , 23 Divisions , 32 Head Offices and 2 Region. | 2024
State | Bihar | बिहार |
Capital City | Patna | पटना |
Language | Hindi |
Population | 104,099,452 (approx) |
Area | 94,163 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 85 |
Total Post Office | 9063 |
Total District | 38 |
Total Taluk | 608 |
Total Unique PIN | 858 |
Total Division | 23 |
Total Head Office | 32 |
Total Region | 2 |
Chandigarh pincode list Comprises of 1 Districts , 53 post offices , 24 distinct postal code , 3 talukas of Chandigarh state , 1 Divisions , 3 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Chandigarh | चंडीगढ़ |
Capital City | Chandigarh | चंडीगढ़ |
Language | Hindi |
Population | 1,055,450 (approx) |
Area | 114 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 14 |
Total Post Office | 53 |
Total District | 1 |
Total Taluk | 3 |
Total Unique PIN | 24 |
Total Division | 1 |
Total Head Office | 3 |
Total Region | 1 |
Chattisgarh pincode list Comprises of 19 Districts , 3150 post offices , 266 distinct postal code , 202 talukas of Chattisgarh state , 5 Divisions , 10 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Chattisgarh | छत्तीसगढ़ |
Capital City | Raipur | रायपुर |
Language | Hindi |
Population | 25,545,198 (approx) |
Area | 135,191 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 49 |
Total Post Office | 3150 |
Total District | 19 |
Total Taluk | 202 |
Total Unique PIN | 266 |
Total Division | 5 |
Total Head Office | 10 |
Total Region | 1 |
Dadra and nagar haveli pincode list Comprises of 1 Districts , 39 post offices , 4 distinct postal code , 2 talukas of Dadra and nagar haveli state , 1 Divisions , 1 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Dadra and nagar haveli | दादरा और नगर हवेली |
Capital City | Silvassa | सिलवासा |
Language | Gujarati |
Population | 491,876 (approx) |
Area | 491 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 39 |
Total Post Office | 39 |
Total District | 1 |
Total Taluk | 2 |
Total Unique PIN | 4 |
Total Division | 1 |
Total Head Office | 1 |
Total Region | 1 |
Daman and diu pincode list Comprises of 2 Districts , 20 post offices , 6 distinct postal code , 4 talukas of Daman and diu state , 2 Divisions , 2 Head Offices and 2 Region. | 2024
State | Daman and diu | दमन और दीव |
Capital City | Daman | दमन |
Language | Gujarati |
Population | 242,911 (approx) |
Area | 112 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 36 |
Total Post Office | 20 |
Total District | 2 |
Total Taluk | 4 |
Total Unique PIN | 6 |
Total Division | 2 |
Total Head Office | 2 |
Total Region | 2 |
Delhi pincode list Comprises of 9 Districts , 545 post offices , 95 distinct postal code , 9 talukas of Delhi state , 8 Divisions , 13 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Delhi | दिल्ली |
Capital City | New Delhi | नई दिल्ली |
Language | Hindi |
Population | 18,710,922 (approx) |
Area | 1,484 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 11 |
Total Post Office | 545 |
Total District | 9 |
Total Taluk | 9 |
Total Unique PIN | 95 |
Total Division | 8 |
Total Head Office | 13 |
Total Region | 1 |
Goa pincode list Comprises of 2 Districts , 258 post offices , 88 distinct postal code , 21 talukas of Goa state , 1 Divisions , 3 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Goa | गोवा |
Capital City | Panaji | पणजी |
Language | Konkani |
Population | 1,458,545 (approx) |
Area | 3,702 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 40 |
Total Post Office | 258 |
Total District | 2 |
Total Taluk | 21 |
Total Unique PIN | 88 |
Total Division | 1 |
Total Head Office | 3 |
Total Region | 1 |
Gujarat pincode list Comprises of 26 Districts , 8937 post offices , 1018 distinct postal code , 338 talukas of Gujarat state , 26 Divisions , 35 Head Offices and 3 Region. | 2024
State | Gujarat | गुजरात |
Capital City | Gandhinagar | गांधीनगर |
Language | Gujarati |
Population | 60,439,692 (approx) |
Area | 196,024 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 38 |
Total Post Office | 8937 |
Total District | 26 |
Total Taluk | 338 |
Total Unique PIN | 1018 |
Total Division | 26 |
Total Head Office | 35 |
Total Region | 3 |
Haryana pincode list Comprises of 19 Districts , 2689 post offices , 302 distinct postal code , 360 talukas of Haryana state , 9 Divisions , 17 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Haryana | हरियाणा |
Capital City | Chandigarh | चंडीगढ़ |
Language | Hindi |
Population | 25,353,081 (approx) |
Area | 44,212 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 13 |
Total Post Office | 2689 |
Total District | 19 |
Total Taluk | 360 |
Total Unique PIN | 302 |
Total Division | 9 |
Total Head Office | 17 |
Total Region | 1 |
Himachal pradesh pincode list Comprises of 12 Districts , 2781 post offices , 429 distinct postal code , 209 talukas of Himachal pradesh state , 9 Divisions , 19 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Himachal pradesh | हिमाचल प्रदेश |
Capital City | Shimla | शिमला |
Language | Hindi |
Population | 7,219,509 (approx) |
Area | 55,673 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 17 |
Total Post Office | 2781 |
Total District | 12 |
Total Taluk | 209 |
Total Unique PIN | 429 |
Total Division | 9 |
Total Head Office | 19 |
Total Region | 1 |
Jammu and kashmir pincode list Comprises of 18 Districts , 1684 post offices , 209 distinct postal code , 217 talukas of Jammu and kashmir state , 6 Divisions , 10 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Jammu and kashmir | जम्मू और कश्मीर |
Capital City | Srinagar (Summer), Jammu (Winter) | स्रीनगर (ग्रीष्मकाल), जम्मू (शीतकाल) |
Language | Kashmiri, Dogri, Urdu |
Population | 12,548,926 (approx) |
Area | 222,236 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 19 |
Total Post Office | 1684 |
Total District | 18 |
Total Taluk | 217 |
Total Unique PIN | 209 |
Total Division | 6 |
Total Head Office | 10 |
Total Region | 1 |
Jharkhand pincode list Comprises of 24 Districts , 3097 post offices , 369 distinct postal code , 312 talukas of Jharkhand state , 7 Divisions , 14 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Jharkhand | झारखंड |
Capital City | Ranchi | रांची |
Language | Hindi |
Population | 32,988,134 (approx) |
Area | 79,714 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 82 |
Total Post Office | 3097 |
Total District | 24 |
Total Taluk | 312 |
Total Unique PIN | 369 |
Total Division | 7 |
Total Head Office | 14 |
Total Region | 1 |
Karnataka pincode list Comprises of 32 Districts , 9683 post offices , 1327 distinct postal code , 349 talukas of Karnataka state , 32 Divisions , 59 Head Offices and 3 Region. | 2024
State | Karnataka | कर्नाटक |
Capital City | Bengaluru | बेंगलुरु |
Language | Kannada |
Population | 61,095,297 (approx) |
Area | 191,791 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 56 |
Total Post Office | 9683 |
Total District | 32 |
Total Taluk | 349 |
Total Unique PIN | 1327 |
Total Division | 32 |
Total Head Office | 59 |
Total Region | 3 |
Kerala pincode list Comprises of 14 Districts , 5058 post offices , 1408 distinct postal code , 115 talukas of Kerala state , 23 Divisions , 52 Head Offices and 3 Region. | 2024
State | Kerala | केरल |
Capital City | Thiruvananthapuram | तिरुवनंतपुरम |
Language | Malayalam |
Population | 33,406,061 (approx) |
Area | 38,863 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 68 |
Total Post Office | 5058 |
Total District | 14 |
Total Taluk | 115 |
Total Unique PIN | 1408 |
Total Division | 23 |
Total Head Office | 52 |
Total Region | 3 |
Lakshadweep pincode list Comprises of 1 Districts , 10 post offices , 9 distinct postal code , 2 talukas of Lakshadweep state , 1 Divisions , 1 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Lakshadweep | लक्षद्वीप |
Capital City | Kavaratti | कवरत्ती |
Language | Malayalam |
Population | 64,429 (approx) |
Area | 32 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 68 |
Total Post Office | 10 |
Total District | 1 |
Total Taluk | 2 |
Total Unique PIN | 9 |
Total Division | 1 |
Total Head Office | 1 |
Total Region | 1 |
Madhya pradesh pincode list Comprises of 52 Districts , 8311 post offices , 765 distinct postal code , 412 talukas of Madhya pradesh state , 20 Divisions , 44 Head Offices and 3 Region. | 2024
State | Madhya pradesh | मध्य प्रदेश |
Capital City | Bhopal | भोपाल |
Language | Hindi |
Population | 72,626,809 (approx) |
Area | 308,252 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 48 |
Total Post Office | 8311 |
Total District | 52 |
Total Taluk | 412 |
Total Unique PIN | 765 |
Total Division | 20 |
Total Head Office | 44 |
Total Region | 3 |
Maharashtra pincode list Comprises of 34 Districts , 12610 post offices , 1576 distinct postal code , 565 talukas of Maharashtra state , 41 Divisions , 60 Head Offices and 5 Region. | 2024
State | Maharashtra | महाराष्ट्र |
Capital City | Mumbai | मुंबई |
Language | Marathi |
Population | 114,063,427 (approx) |
Area | 307,713 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 43 |
Total Post Office | 12610 |
Total District | 34 |
Total Taluk | 565 |
Total Unique PIN | 1576 |
Total Division | 41 |
Total Head Office | 60 |
Total Region | 5 |
Manipur pincode list Comprises of 9 Districts , 699 post offices , 52 distinct postal code , 4 talukas of Manipur state , 1 Divisions , 2 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Manipur | मणिपुर |
Capital City | Imphal | इंफाल |
Language | Manipuri |
Population | 2,721,756 (approx) |
Area | 22,327 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 79 |
Total Post Office | 699 |
Total District | 9 |
Total Taluk | 4 |
Total Unique PIN | 52 |
Total Division | 1 |
Total Head Office | 2 |
Total Region | 1 |
Meghalaya pincode list Comprises of 7 Districts , 476 post offices , 65 distinct postal code , 60 talukas of Meghalaya state , 1 Divisions , 4 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Meghalaya | मेघालय |
Capital City | Shillong | शिलांग |
Language | English |
Population | 3,211,474 (approx) |
Area | 22,429 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 79 |
Total Post Office | 476 |
Total District | 7 |
Total Taluk | 60 |
Total Unique PIN | 65 |
Total Division | 1 |
Total Head Office | 4 |
Total Region | 1 |
Mizoram pincode list Comprises of 8 Districts , 412 post offices , 42 distinct postal code , 51 talukas of Mizoram state , 1 Divisions , 2 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Mizoram | मिजोरम |
Capital City | Aizawl | आइज़ोल |
Language | Mizo |
Population | 1,097,206 (approx) |
Area | 21,081 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 79 |
Total Post Office | 412 |
Total District | 8 |
Total Taluk | 51 |
Total Unique PIN | 42 |
Total Division | 1 |
Total Head Office | 2 |
Total Region | 1 |
Nagaland pincode list Comprises of 11 Districts , 331 post offices , 47 distinct postal code , 54 talukas of Nagaland state , 1 Divisions , 2 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Nagaland | नागालैंड |
Capital City | Kohima | कोहिमा |
Language | English |
Population | 2,249,695 (approx) |
Area | 16,579 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 79 |
Total Post Office | 331 |
Total District | 11 |
Total Taluk | 54 |
Total Unique PIN | 47 |
Total Division | 1 |
Total Head Office | 2 |
Total Region | 1 |
Odisha pincode list Comprises of 30 Districts , 8166 post offices , 907 distinct postal code , 485 talukas of Odisha state , 18 Divisions , 36 Head Offices and 3 Region. | 2024
State | Odisha | उड़ीसा |
Capital City | Bhubaneswar | भुवनेश्वर |
Language | Odia |
Population | 41,974,218 (approx) |
Area | 155,707 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 76 |
Total Post Office | 8166 |
Total District | 30 |
Total Taluk | 485 |
Total Unique PIN | 907 |
Total Division | 18 |
Total Head Office | 36 |
Total Region | 3 |
Pondicherry pincode list Comprises of 3 Districts , 93 post offices , 35 distinct postal code , 12 talukas of Pondicherry state , 4 Divisions , 6 Head Offices and 4 Region. | 2024
State | Pondicherry | पांडिचेरी |
Capital City | Puducherry | पुडुचेरी |
Language | Tamil |
Population | 1,244,464 (approx) |
Area | 479 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 60 |
Total Post Office | 93 |
Total District | 3 |
Total Taluk | 12 |
Total Unique PIN | 35 |
Total Division | 4 |
Total Head Office | 6 |
Total Region | 4 |
Punjab pincode list Comprises of 23 Districts , 3809 post offices , 527 distinct postal code , 196 talukas of Punjab state , 13 Divisions , 23 Head Offices and 2 Region. | 2024
State | Punjab | पंजाब |
Capital City | Chandigarh | चंडीगढ़ |
Language | Punjabi |
Population | 30,240,289 (approx) |
Area | 50,362 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 14 |
Total Post Office | 3809 |
Total District | 23 |
Total Taluk | 196 |
Total Unique PIN | 527 |
Total Division | 13 |
Total Head Office | 23 |
Total Region | 2 |
Rajasthan pincode list Comprises of 32 Districts , 10334 post offices , 979 distinct postal code , 364 talukas of Rajasthan state , 24 Divisions , 48 Head Offices and 3 Region. | 2024
State | Rajasthan | राजस्थान |
Capital City | Jaipur | जयपुर |
Language | Hindi |
Population | 78,356,812 (approx) |
Area | 342,239 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 30 |
Total Post Office | 10334 |
Total District | 32 |
Total Taluk | 364 |
Total Unique PIN | 979 |
Total Division | 24 |
Total Head Office | 48 |
Total Region | 3 |
Sikkim pincode list Comprises of 4 Districts , 211 post offices , 23 distinct postal code , 18 talukas of Sikkim state , 1 Divisions , 2 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Sikkim | सिक्किम |
Capital City | Gangtok | गंगटोक |
Language | Nepali |
Population | 610,577 (approx) |
Area | 7,096 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 73 |
Total Post Office | 211 |
Total District | 4 |
Total Taluk | 18 |
Total Unique PIN | 23 |
Total Division | 1 |
Total Head Office | 2 |
Total Region | 1 |
Tamil nadu pincode list Comprises of 32 Districts , 11871 post offices , 2028 distinct postal code , 420 talukas of Tamil nadu state , 45 Divisions , 95 Head Offices and 4 Region. | 2024
State | Tamil nadu | तमिलनाडु |
Capital City | Chennai | चेन्नई |
Language | Tamil |
Population | 77,841,267 (approx) |
Area | 130,058 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 63 |
Total Post Office | 11871 |
Total District | 32 |
Total Taluk | 420 |
Total Unique PIN | 2028 |
Total Division | 45 |
Total Head Office | 95 |
Total Region | 4 |
Telangana pincode list Comprises of 11 Districts , 5833 post offices , 660 distinct postal code , 456 talukas of Telangana state , 17 Divisions , 37 Head Offices and 3 Region. | 2024
State | Telangana | तेलंगाना |
Capital City | Hyderabad | हैदराबाद |
Language | Telugu |
Population | 35,193,978 (approx) |
Area | 112,077 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 50 |
Total Post Office | 5833 |
Total District | 11 |
Total Taluk | 456 |
Total Unique PIN | 660 |
Total Division | 17 |
Total Head Office | 37 |
Total Region | 3 |
Tripura pincode list Comprises of 4 Districts , 708 post offices , 76 distinct postal code , 293 talukas of Tripura state , 2 Divisions , 4 Head Offices and 1 Region. | 2024
State | Tripura | त्रिपुरा |
Capital City | Agartala | आगरतला |
Language | Bengali |
Population | 4,036,777 (approx) |
Area | 10,491 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 79 |
Total Post Office | 708 |
Total District | 4 |
Total Taluk | 293 |
Total Unique PIN | 76 |
Total Division | 2 |
Total Head Office | 4 |
Total Region | 1 |
Uttar pradesh pincode list Comprises of 70 Districts , 17674 post offices , 1628 distinct postal code , 785 talukas of Uttar pradesh state , 46 Divisions , 74 Head Offices and 7 Region. | 2024
State | Uttar pradesh | उत्तर प्रदेश |
Capital City | Lucknow | लखनऊ |
Language | Hindi |
Population | 237,882,725 (approx) |
Area | 240,928 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 24 |
Total Post Office | 17674 |
Total District | 70 |
Total Taluk | 785 |
Total Unique PIN | 1628 |
Total Division | 46 |
Total Head Office | 74 |
Total Region | 7 |
Uttarakhand pincode list Comprises of 13 Districts , 2718 post offices , 291 distinct postal code , 133 talukas of Uttarakhand state , 9 Divisions , 16 Head Offices and 2 Region. | 2024
State | Uttarakhand | उत्तराखण्ड |
Capital City | Dehradun | देहरादून |
Language | Hindi |
Population | 11,236,640 (approx) |
Area | 53,483 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 26 |
Total Post Office | 2718 |
Total District | 13 |
Total Taluk | 133 |
Total Unique PIN | 291 |
Total Division | 9 |
Total Head Office | 16 |
Total Region | 2 |
West bengal pincode list Comprises of 20 Districts , 8726 post offices , 1174 distinct postal code , 1441 talukas of West bengal state , 29 Divisions , 46 Head Offices and 3 Region. | 2024
State | West bengal | पश्चिम बंगाल |
Capital City | Kolkata | कोलकाता |
Language | Bengali |
Population | 99,609,303 (approx) |
Area | 88,752 km² (approx) |
First 2 Digit PIN | 74 |
Total Post Office | 8726 |
Total District | 20 |
Total Taluk | 1441 |
Total Unique PIN | 1174 |
Total Division | 29 |
Total Head Office | 46 |
Total Region | 3 |
Discover the fascinating Indian states and capital cities in English with our comprehensive guide. Uncover the rich diversity of India as we delve into the enchanting landmarks and cultural heritage of each state's capital.
From the majestic New Delhi to the vibrant Mumbai, from the serene Jaipur to the bustling Kolkata, our meticulously curated list provides valuable insights into these significant urban centers. Immerse yourself in the historical splendor, taste the regional delicacies, and embrace the vibrant traditions of Indian states and their capitals in English. Start your journey now and experience the wonders that await in this incredible nation.
भारतीय राज्य और राजधानी हिंदी में - इस पाठ में, हम आपको भारत के सभी राज्यों और उनकी राजधानियों के बारे में हिंदी में जानकारी प्रदान करेंगे।
यह जानकारी आपको भारतीय भूगोल के संबंध में व्यापक ज्ञान प्रदान करेगी और यह भी सुनिश्चित करेगी कि आप यह सभी महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी हिंदी में प्राप्त कर सकें। हमारे यहां उपलब्ध चर्चित पाठों और सुविधाओं के माध्यम से, आप एक ही स्थान पर सभी राज्यों और उनकी राजधानियों के बारे में विस्तृत जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। यहां क्लिक करके आप अब इस महत्वपूर्ण ज्ञान को खोज सकते हैं।
Last Modified : 2023-07-08 10:30:39
Published On : 2023-07-06 22:28:15